Winter Relief Emergency Shelter

About Winter Relief

The Winter Relief Program provides emergency shelter to men and women who are homeless during the winter months. In partnership with over 40 houses of worship, the program provides shelter, food, and social and spiritual support during the coldest months of the year. The program runs approximately 26 weeks each winter.  

Hosted at different Anne Arundel County Houses of Worship each week from late October through March, the shelter is a safe and comfortable refuge. Host sites provide guest services, meals, companionship, activities, and spiritual guidance during their designated week. Arundel House of Hope staff provides coordination, support services, and case management to guests.  

History of Winter Relief

The Winter Relief program started in 1992 when twelve churches came together with the mission to help the homeless. The program has been operational each year since. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the program transitioned to a hotel-based emergency shelter. In 2022, local congregations again began hosting Winter Relief in their buildings. 

Of the twelve original host sites in 1992, five churches continue to host Winter Relief each year: Harundale Presbyterian Church, Linthicum Heights United Methodist, Pasadena United Methodist, Saint Bernadette Catholic, and Saint Christopher Episcopal. 

Interested in Joining Winter Relief?

Winter Relief accepts men and women who are 18+ years old. The following eligibility requirements and agreements apply: 

  • May not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. 
  • May not have open warrants. 
  • May not be on the sex offender registry. 
  • Agree to follow all program policies, procedures, guidelines, and a daily breathalyzer test. 

To join the Winter Relief program, please call Coordinated Entry to complete a screening at 410-417-7260. You’ll be asked to leave your name and contact information, and they will return your call to complete an eligibility screening. You may also learn more by visiting our Resource and Day Center

Interested in Hosting Winter Relief?

Hosting Winter Relief as a congregation or organization is a unique opportunity for community members to reach out and serve their community. Learn how your congregation or organization can host Winter Relief here

7164 East Furnace Branch Rd.

Suite A

Glen Burnie, Md 21060