We’ve Moved!

Published by Arundel House of Hope Staff Member on

Our new building: a sign will be installed shortly.

We Have a New Home!

We’re thrilled to announce that on April 13, 2024, we moved to our new location!

The Day Center, Community Recovery Center, client services, and staff offices are located at our new location. This will increase our efficiency and help us better serve our neighbors experiencing homelessness.

One of our volunteers and Facebook followers, Jason, described our new location as incredible and beautiful. We can’t agree more!

We are incredibly grateful to Arundel Community Development Services and the county executive’s office for the support in making this new space a reality.

Our Staff and Volunteers Rock!

Thank you to the many people who responded to our call to action by assisting with our move! Many helping hands showed up to move items, unload, arrange furniture, build new furniture, and dispose of old items. We’d like to especially acknowledge volunteers from Together, St. Bernette’s Parish, Arundel High School’s service club, North County High School, and Troop 377 (Ft. Meade) for dedicating their time on a Saturday morning to help our community. Job well done!

We also had tremendous support and effort by our dedicated team members. They packed, lifted, hauled, loaded, unloaded, arranged, and cleaned with unwavering commitment and teamwork.

Our new address is: 7164 E. Furnace Branch Rd, Suite A, Glen Burnie, Md 21060.
Many volunteers and team members helped make the move go smoothly.

Join Us for a Grand Opening Celebration

We’re excited to show off our new space, give tours, and celebrate this new chapter in the history of Arundel House of Hope! Please join us for a Grand Opening Celebration on Thursday, May 30, 2024 at 9am. County Executive Pittman and other local leaders will be attendance.


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