Support Aspiring Eagle Scouts: Help Fund Community Projects for Arundel House of Hope

Published by Arundel House of Hope Staff Member on

We are honored to have been selected by two BSA Scouts to be the beneficiaries of their Eagle Scout Projects. BSA Scouts aiming to earn the highest rank of Eagle plan, organize, and execute a project to benefit the community. Each scout chooses the organization they want to help. Earning the rank of Eagle is an arduous process with a heavy focus on leadership skills. It is estimated that only 6% of BSA Scouters become Eagle Scouts. Learn more about the Eagle process here.

Ryker’s Project

Ryker is a scout with Troop 377 based in Ft Meade. He is building two benches and a picnic table for the Resource and Day Center courtyard. Ryker has been in scouts for five years, plays baseball and snowboards, and plays the baritone saxophone in his high school band.

Ryker is fundraising $550 to buy lumber and other essential materials to build the furniture. To support his project, you can (Venmo | Ryker Kempf). To donate by other methods please reach out to Ryker directly. Please donate by December 31, 2024!

Sean’s Project

Sean is a scout with Troop 450 in Severna Park. He is organizing a tent drive to benefit unsheltered individuals. Sean shared the following story about why he chose to organize a tent drive:

My Aunt Trish and Uncle Ed used to run the Emmaus Center in Glen Burnie which I had visited a few times. One of my visits I met a lady who slept in her tent through a blizzard. I remember her telling me the story that she didn’t want to leave her tent during the storm. Every hour, she had to clear the snow out from the tent and went back in. She fell asleep and did not clear the snow for several hours. When she woke up, the tent touching her nose. This was due to the snow weighing down the tent, which caused it to fall onto her face. This story stuck with me, that is the reason why I want to start this Eagle project.

Sean is seeking donations of used tents and cash to support his project. Donated tents will be repaired and waterproofed before being distributed to individuals. To donate a tent, email Sean. Make a monetary donation on Venmo|SeanGEagleProject or GoFundMe. Please donate by December 31, 2024.